Previous CIA expert classifies blockchain as a safety risk

After we reported yesterday about a former politician from the USA, who now stands up for the Bitcoin after long resistance, now an alleged former official of the CIA speaks. The community worker in question warns of the blockchain as supposedly the greatest security risk in the United States.

Is the Blockchain threatening the security of the USA?

Whether digital currencies such as Ethereum and Litecoin, or in particular the Blockchain as a modern technology could become a competitor for Fiat money, has been the subject of heated debate for years. The assertion that the blockchain is even the most significant risk for the USA is comparatively new. But this is exactly what Andrew Bustamante, a former CIA employee and US Air Force veteran, says he is currently giving thought to in various media. Strong tobacco, if there is even talk of national security in the coming years.

More dangerous than climatic consequences and “rogue states”

In his opinion, the Blockchain with its technical possibilities opens the door to criminal machinations. Interesting bon mot: The ex-CIA-bustamante considers the Blockchain in interviews to be a much bigger problem than North Korea or climate change. Compared to these dangers or the economic adversary Russia, Blockchain technology is above all a very powerful instrument.

Crypto currencies as the cornerstone of technological change

And those who first understand and know how to use this tool in all its facets can hack, manipulate and emerge victorious from the international economic and political competition. As absurd as many aspects of his warning may sound, the assessments are not entirely wrong in many respects. Because the Bitcoin and other tokens as well as the blockchain mentioned above, but also the new quantum computers, will bring about a serious change in today’s digital world.

Blockchain prospects: a question of perspective

The fact that some conspiracy theorists see above all possible dangers, while other insiders see rather the chances for the most diverse areas, is just a question of position. With the necessary negative approach, the blockchain can also be classified as a security threat for the USA and other states. For example, in connection with the targeted dissemination of disinformation. But the social media can also do that.