Snowden: ban my book is good for Bitcoin

The US government has filed a civil lawsuit against the political exiles, Edward Snowden, for violation of the confidentiality agreements between the CIA and the NSA, he writes about his time in the agencies (CIA and NSA) and speaks. Snowden will notify via Twitter, that this lawsuit and the alleged prohibition is good for Bitcoin.

Edward Snowden, 36, is living in asylum in Russia since he released in 2013 the secret documents, which the international mass surveillance system of the NSA, describe in detail, a digital PANOPTICON, which gave the U.S. government access to virtually any device that was connected to the global telecommunications network. His recently published Memoir, Permanent Record, describes this Whistleblowing and its nearly seven-year stay with the CIA and the NSA, which supplied him with first-Hand information. According to a lawsuit the U.S. government, this book and Snowden’s accompanying lectures is in breach of the confidentiality agreements, the Snowden during the time when the secret services has signed.

Snowden’s Whistleblowing forced the civilian population, with the Orwellian consequences of the information age, and sparked concerns about the right to privacy in a digital age. For many, it was the kind of truth to Power, which reflects the decentralized and censorship resistant properties of Bitcoin to resist. Snowden spoke at the Bitcoin conference in 2019 that freedom of expression is a fundamental right for all people of this world (freely translated):

To act in this capacity without harming someone else, is the basis of all rights. If you speak of due process, the right to a fair trial, freedom of expression, freedom of religion – whatever it is, the reason why we have these rights, is that they codify the right to self-determination. Privacy is what says that you belong rather to you than to society.

In the lawsuit it is stated that Snowden is allowed to sell his book, but his income is not to be translated to flow (free):

The United States of America to levy a civil action for breach of contract and fiduciary obligations against the defendant, Edward Snowden, a U.S. citizen, who was formerly a contractor and employees of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and as a contract worker for the National Security Agency (NSA) employee, and a book published, without the manuscript for Review prior to publication be submitted, and of the Speeches held, in the absence of the necessary materials for Review prior to publication be submitted, in violation of his secrecy agreements, and confidentiality obligations to the United States.

When he took a Position with the CIA and later the NSA, Snowden was obliged, confidentiality agreements to sign contracts that hold were intended to employees to topics on state secrets and confidential information secret. Snowden, who has neglected to comply with agreements already with his Whistleblowing, 2013, the miss has not given them, apparently, a lot of attention, as he wrote his new book and his lecture tour started. With the signing of these contracts, Snowden also renounced his rights to royalties for all media grew out of his experiences at the CIA and the NSA.

The Snowden-Verlag Macmillan Publishers involved in the lawsuit. The US government leads the New York-based publisher, in addition to Snowden as a defendant and requires that the company loses all of the license fees it receives for Snowden from the sales of the book. While the government has not sued Macmillan for his part of the profits of the book, aims to the government a temporary restraining order and an injunction, all of the assets freeze assets associated with the paper, Snowden would be entitled. He then commented on Twitter that these developments are good for Bitcoin:

in conclusion this is good for bitcoin

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) 17. September 2019

Snowden was a big Supporter of the anonymous crypto-currency ZCash, all transactions are anonymous and cannot be traced. However, Snowden seems to have now Fallen to Bitcoin found. It remains to be seen whether a portion of the proceeds could flow in the Form of Bitcoin to Snowden, even though all Bitcoin transactions are anonymous and to be tracked.

Featured Image: Natali_mis | Shutterstock