Zoom: data protection problems with video telephony program

Video chats are booming at present, which is also the Software Zoom benefits. But soon criticism of the collection and sharing of user data was noisy. Zoom has now responded.

Due to the increased amount of work from the Home Office and the domestic Isolation of many people video conferences these days have a boom. The video chat Software Zoom, is enjoying particular popularity. However, data protector log review: The program should collect a lot of data to third parties, reported the online portal of the Motherboard.

In particular, the data transmission to Facebook to fell uncomfortable. This should be done even if no Facebook Account is used to sign in to Zoom. Also critical: The data protection guidelines, which must be confirmed at the time of Installation of the Software, are not included in this disclosure in detail.

In addition, the monitoring powers of each Director to the participants of the conference has to be, quite worthy of discussion.


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