Venezuela is promoting the new Petro-platform for citizens
The state-Petro, exists for a long time. Now the political leadership of the country wants to move the people to the use of a new crypto-platform.
Petro aims to protect the country from foreign sanctions
At this point, we have discussed the plans of Venezuela to own crypto-currency – the Petro – as an Alternative to Bitcoin and Ethereum already several times. The offer is advertised in the country for months as an Alternative to the actual state of the currency to some extent. The reason for this is the enormous rate of inflation (according to the IMF, around 130.060 percent) in the South American country. For a long time already citizens of a exchange your Fiat money into digital currencies to react to the continuing fall in value. The government itself thinks the world of crypto-currencies in the fight against the growing currency crisis. Now again something seems to do. The state seems to be on its authorities a call for the use of digital currencies happen. As the Argument of the state of Venezuela calls the Chance to prevent a devaluation of the income. If the call in the direction of the citizens will have the hoped-for success?
Protection of citizens against the increase in the rate of inflation
To be the national cryptocurrency Petro, digital currencies already since years, many citizens of the economically troubled state. The new project relies on an Online platform that allows people in the Land Transfers in the state currency to a recipient in a foreign country. Whether the fighting of the income devaluation is the sole reason for the request, can be discussed. Of course, the state itself promises to be also something of a potential success of the expanded use of the Coins by the state. The platform listens to anyway, according to a recent opinion from Jose Ramirez, the acting superintendent of the national radio “National Cryptocurrency”, in the name of Patria Remesa. People in the country can theoretically be obtained in this way according to official data, already, payments from the outside. As I said in the Form of currency Petro.
Reasonably priced and prompt payments guaranteed?
Faster, it is said, a Transfer to the country of Venezuela is currently not possible. The background is, in particular, that of the country funds to outside living Venezuelans transferred conveniently and without bureaucracy can flow. This is many citizens in the current crisis at the heart. It is emphasized that the Petro has been in the year 2018 an idea of the President, Nicolas Maduro, himself. The goal was “imperialist attacks” to overturn it. In order for the United States are of course primarily meant. As a hedge of the currency, in turn, the precious metal Gold as well as Oil and serve. Future US sanctions will make the platform ineffective. The allegation that the Petro is almost a DoppelgangeR of the Dash, interested in the state of Venezuela, just on the edge. Allegedly, companies have invested about four billion dollars in Petro.
Featured Image: From Stanslavs |