Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince in the Test
Everything back to the beginning! After the rather negative recorded the third part in 3D style, the question of the continuation of a long time in a state of limbo. Now returns Trine , however, with drumbeats in the domestic living room. Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince remembers this back to the original 2.5 D-roots of the Franchises. The adventure brings Tradition to a new Level, and is supplemented by a few new tweaks.
A missing Prince in the fairy tale land
The Trine universe had it in the last few years, really not easy. Thanks to the previous Trine 3 – a rather failed 3D Experiment seemed to be the fate of Trine in the last few years are buried and sealed to be. The Disaster filed at the time, so far, that Trinedeveloper Frozenbyte to Release, even for the drafting of part 3 excused. All the more pleased I was, when I heard that duck against all expectations, however, a fourth part is coming up – but this is also supposed to be finally back to the 2.5 D Puzzle Jumper. Now it was finally time, once again into the imaginative world of Trine immersion.
In Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince we here, again the brave heroes from the previous Trine branches: knight Pontius, thief Zoya and the wizard Amadeus. The legendary Trio is tasked by the Prince Selius search, which out of nowhere, vanished without a trace. As we learn from a letter, had this belonging to the sick of the numerous mages on his farm, which took him often for the most daring, magical experiments. Some of them were, however, very wrong and led to the Prince Selius‘ nightmares started to become reality, and to give him sleepless nights.
However, this is also everything that we learn over the course of the story. As in previous Parts of the Trineuniverse remains the Story here, namely, very pale, and is rather a means to an end, to the wonderful fairy-tale world of a livelihood to gain. Although we meet in the course of the adventure, Often on nightmare monsters of the Prince, which is to destroy it. Unfortunately, the certain level of danger due to their lack of presence in the Story is missing from these, however.

On the wizard, knight and thief is waiting for a new, picturesque adventure!
A wide range of skills makes for a change
Trine lived in the past, not of the the adventure of underlying story, but blooms by the actual Fantasy world, and the associated physical puzzles just so right on. The graphic is again the absolute heart of the Franchises. You will feel in a fairy tale Walt immediately at home, and the lighting effects are incredibly appealing. Every new environment is significantly different from that previously seen, and shines with lovely Details and beautiful, vivid colors. The Background of the 2.5 D adventure adds this fluent to the fore, and thus offers a good, round atmosphere. The pleasant front of hinplätschernde Soundtrack does the Rest, and thanks to the fully-voiced narrator in the game, you will really feel to be in a living fairy geplumst.
The actual principle of the Trine remains in the fourth part in the broad untouched: on the way by the left-to-right scroll at the end of the land of fairy tales await the player, numerous puzzles and riddles, which defeated want. This can only be achieved by using the Strengths of the three brave characters – knight, thief and wizard – turns and cleverly combined. A small push of a button is enough to switch between the characters, and have thus a completely new Repertoire of skills available.
Magician Amadeus summons, for example, magic boxes, which as a weight for a bridge, or simply as a stage for a high-platform, can. With Pontius the knight we will use his vast shield, which light or water jets to expertly redirect-and-white. Thief Zoya shows skill in handling a bow, and allows us to tighten thus ropes through the room, on which we can move. These basic skills can be over the magical adventure to numerous new tricks to expand. Trine 4 offers this time, for the first time, also a built-in skill tree, through which one of the characters adapt and strengthen can. So can the thief , for example, later on, by Ice projectiles, or bridges, or freezing, or even entire walls tearing. Since the puzzles are in the course of the game, but also becoming more and more difficult, you need these advanced skills, almost on every corner!

The world of Trine 4 looks again amazing!
Colorful puzzles in the fairytale style
The puzzles – and the underlying principle of the game – work in General, in Trine 4 really wonderful. You are intuitive and entertaining, and have caused me a lot of fun. A fast-acting rope across the chasm thrown, some light is reflected, and a box placed over there – and suddenly, a large, once-broken mill-Wheel is set in motion, and carried me, just on the top of the once unconquerable mountain. A great feeling! After each puzzle I felt it again as the Conqueror of the fairy tale country highly personal – to the next puzzle wall pointed me back in my place.
The level of difficulty was tested “Normal” mode, this phase manner, specifically at the beginning of the story has almost increased a little too easily, however, in the course of the game really enjoyable. From time to time, the players are expected – as a small diversion from the Puzzle, and puzzle elements, even small battles in the course of the game. It was as a small boss, or thanks to a small group of nightmare monsters. These, however, were very trivial, and often simply with Pontius the knight to master. Sword skin on it, the Mob is dead. I have to pull off in game design, unfortunately, is definitely a star.
Alone or together in the fight against the physics
A successful Supplement is also once again the Multiplayer mode. You would in single-player mode, a free choice about which Champion you through the woods dragging, you can set up in Multiplayer mode, different game rules. In Trine 4 for the first time, up to three other players you encounter – and thus one more than in the past offshoots of the series. The puzzles can now be in the Multiplayer-mode is very different, solved. Either, each player will be assigned to a fixed character to the entire Repertoire of skills – or, you gives you a free character change. And this so-called “Unlimited mode” made in the Test, really a lot of fun.
Three Diebinen, the each other try using arrows to shoot down? Two Amadeusse, which actually have nothing better to do, as the third knight Pontius with the own boxes verily stones in the way to place? I had a lot of fun – even if the actual goal is to Solve the puzzles, advanced here, often on the basis of conscience, sneaky Try of the “Friendly Fire” of something in the Background.

Trine 4 makes compared to its predecessor, Trine 3 for a long time, a lot of things right. The mystery at the heart of the adventure are definitely, and know how to convince consistently. The skill tree is a perfect complement to the existing skills of the three characters. In some Places I had want to me, however, a slightly higher level of difficulty, especially at the beginning of the game. Graphics and Soundtrack, also convince, and the sound of the narrator is very well done.
The largest point of criticism of Trine 4 , unfortunately, but definitely the duration of the game. With less than a 10 – 15 game time, depending on your own Puzzles, you rushing almost too fast by the living tale. Also, the Story remains as already noted consistently pale, what was expected, however, when the Franchise is also, unfortunately. Here, the potential would be in my eyes is still present, to captivate the player even more to the screen.
I am curious if there will also be a fifth part. Basically had Frozenbyte with Trine 4 here finally, again, a pleasant base to create, which definitely has the Potential, to be expanded to be! I remain curious, and would be glad, also a fifth Time in a magical world.
What Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince is? A Fantasy Game with a focus on puzzlesPlatforms: PC, PlayStation 4, XBOX One, Nintendo Switch
Tested: on PC, Intel Core i7-2600K, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1080
Developer / Publisher: Frozen Byte / Mode Games
Release: 08. October 2019
Link: Official Website