Telltale´s Walking Dead is being finished
After the tragic closure of Telltale Games, the finale of the last Walking Dead season is now coming to an end. Skybound Entertainment will dedicate itself to the project. Founder and boss of the developer studio: Robert Kirkman – the creator of the comic template.
Long the fate of the final The Walking Dead season seemed uncertain. After the surprising closure of Telltale Games, all work on the project was discontinued. Now the developer studio Skybound Entertainment announced to take care of the last two episodes . The remarkable thing is: Founder and boss of Skybound Entertainment is Robert Kirkman, whose comic series The Walking Dead formed the basis for the TV series as well as the adventures of Telltale.
Rumors are circulating that some of the original development team may be returning for this. Considering the dubious approach Telltales is taking to its employees, this could be a silver lining for some. A large part of Telltale’s workforce was dismissed without warning and severance pay.
Here is the official Twitter message from Skybound Entertainments:
We’re SO happy to announce that we’ve reached a deal with @telltalegames that will allow Skybound to continue #TheWalkingDead: The Final Season! Let’s wrap up Clem’s story right! More details to come soon.
– Skybound Games (@skyboundgames) October 7, 2018