Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order in the Test
Since 2013 has Electronic Arts the exclusive rights to the Star Wars license. During this time, the Publisher can look back on an eventful, but anything other than glorious history. Many of the projects were already in the development phase in turnaround, including the promising-looking title Star Wars: 1313, in which we in the skin of a bounty hunter hatched and action-Packed adventure in the spirit of Uncharted 4 experienced would have. Games such as Battlefront 2 saw the light of the world, but rather with a dubious business model, as with the playful qualities of attention. No wonder Disney was pissed, and pressure made. Fortunately, For Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order is really well made.
At least five years have passed since Emperor Sheev Palpatine revealed himself as a Sith Lord, Darth Sideous, and the Jedi order with the Order 66, a brutal end to it. Only a few power users the bright side, survived the massacre, those who did it fled. Master Yoda chose the exile on Dagobah. Obi-Wan Kenobi, woke up since then, on Tatooine, young Luke Skywalker. However, other members of the Jedi cult survived and hidden scattered far across the galaxy, isolated, without hope for a return of those great days of the Jedi. One of those stranded souls Cal Kestis is. The former Padawan of the Jedi master, Jaro Tapal, hid in the years of the Imperial rise of the planet of Bracca from the forces of the dark Emperor. When the young man one day save a friend with the help of the Makes life, makes he enemy forces and thus sets unforeseen events in motion. Still, the Jedi Padawan does not know that his consequent escape, is to be the last hope of the fallen Jedi order…
A New Hope
Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order is that spark of hope, the Star Wars Fans in the area of video games for years, longed to have. What Electronic Arts since the receipt of the, actually very powerful, the Star Wars – license to drive, was, at least in my eyes, a poverty certificate. Clearly, there is The Old Republic, which is certainly in the MMORPG Genre to be the better heard, but in the end, in the shadow of the overwhelming competition from World of Warcraft “disappeared” and now, as a Free2Play title of his existence and lives. Battlefront came out at the time, unfortunately, without the Singleplayer is around the corner and what are the serious problems his successor suffered, I was then in my Test explained in detail. Disney was bothered by the very negative Feedback from the specialist press, as well as Community and first rumors came in that the “mouse group” Electronic Arts with a withdrawal of the license was threatened, should no improvement follow. Whether thing something is, is hard to say, but when they announced that EA with Respawn, one of its best Studios to a pure single-player adventure with no micro transactions and Loot boxes started, it was a collective sigh of Relief to hear. Is there a decent Star Wars game on us? Today we know: Yes, it did. Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order is, except for a few small quirks, turned out really good!

The Dark Soul of the Force
Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order game is mechanically almost a Best-Of currently popular titles. Thus, for example, puzzles deposits, such as in Tomb Raider in it. The combat system, as well as the maze-like structure of the levels are very clear of the Dark Souls series borrowed. Respawn blended these individual components to a homogeneous Whole, and to enrich it with their own approaches. This works Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order , never as a copy of other Games and build their own identity on.
The fights in Star Wars to Jedi: Fall of the Order are tactically and even on a moderate difficulty, for a game with such a broad audience, but surprisingly challenging. Overall, the Action-Adventure game offers four different difficulty levels. While the lightest of the Experience of the Story in the foreground, brings the Toughest even Dark Souls veterans sweat. The duels don’t focus on pace, but requires coordinated action and good reflexes. As a true Jedi, the lightsaber is the weapon of our choice, and a dance of attack, counter-attack and lunge is, of course, the key to our success. We have to put our opponents with attacks and well-placed Counter, cost him the stamina, the lower it is, the easier it is for his cover to break. The defense is once gone, we can land a devastating hit. This also works Vice versa, is what drives us to be an enemy to the Defensive, it can be quickly fatal. But we are not alone, because the Power is our ally. In the course of the story Cal Kestis learn new force abilities. Through them, we can slow down enemies, you will encounter of us or to draw us to you with our sword to perforate.
In General, the functioning of the battles in Star Wars to Jedi: Fall of the Order very well. Especially in a fight one against one, develops a stunning elegance and it is amazing how well the combat system fits to a Jedi. It feels, in fact really powerful. Otherwise, it looks, unfortunately, when Fighting against larger groups. Thanks to the not always well-placed camera, is lost, namely, not infrequently, the Overview, and it happens that opponent out of the dead angle attack. Unfortunately, its failure to Respawn it, visual signals to integrate, what to attacks from non-visible prospects of clues. God of war has it at the time, pre-power, this small but nice Feature that would Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order are also well done, because in these moments comes a little frustration. Similar it looks with the defense of Blaster troops from shots of several of the storm at the same time. Unlike their counterparts in the films, meet the also.

A loyal friend at my side
The real Star of Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order is probably the small druid BD-1. The cute little knight is always at your side and help you to make life a lot easier. In battle, he provides you with Stims, which refill your Life gauge, or to help you move forward in the very narrow worlds. As already mentioned, during the construction of the Level is very Dark Souls inspired. There are countless corners and secrets that want to be discovered. Often blocked by obstacles, helps your little friend to come to this rann in which he hacks, for example, doors, or as a zip-line across chasms wearing.
Also there are many shortcuts to previously visited mediation points. At these points, their acquired experience can invest points in new abilities, or rest. The grid restores lost life points, as well as used Stims again. You can but also already defeated enemies back to life.
Graphically, Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order , a real treat to become. Both of the figures, as well as the environment, have been animated with great attention to Detail. The movements in the Fight are worthy of as soft as butter and always believe. I could Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order on my System (see info box) with the highest settings and a resolution in 2K resolution to play without going under 40 FPS to drop. Only when Entering new areas, there was the occasional small dips in the frame rate. In terms of Sound is Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order out of the question. The wonderful Score, in combination with the Original Sounds from the movies, such as the sound of the Lightsaber, created a wonderful Star Wars atmosphere.
Kira the technical implementation of the PS4-Version
Unlike Dave I was allowed to me the PS4 Version of Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order view. Are noticed here, especially small beauty error. For example, there are always long loading times, through the important elements such as climbing vines are overlooked or only with a delay not visible, and thus at the first pass might be running, and also the occasional Lags and Freezes occur, the latter especially in zone change on Kashyyyk, from time to time. Both happen rarely enough to disrupt really great – especially the Freezes are ugly, happen but in principle in enemy-free areas, where you have no actual negative effects. The controller on PS4 is super out of Hand and the Button Layout can be completely customized to support any game style. In terms of graphics the game also offers two modes, between which on PS4 Pro can be freely selected: one that is designed to get the full graphics performance of the PS4 Pro and to run stable at 30 FPS, as well as a performance mode, the max. 1080p should run at 60 FPS. I do had the game mostly in the graphics mode on my PS4 Per game, and the aforementioned smaller problems; in the Performance mode was to remember nothing of this, this must but without 4K. Which mode offers more, depends on the personal preference.

Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order stood out for me as a huge Star Wars Fan since its announcement at the very top of my Most Wanted list, and Yes, the doubts were large – at least at that time were also the hopes for Battlefront 2 big and then what happens is, we all know … But new year, new hope (the Star Wars theme to stay) and this time have EA with Respawn , but then made me full length to inspire you: Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order is exactly the Star Warsgame, which I for years wished to have: cool Action with lightsabers, lots of opportunities to explore both known and unknown Star Wars planet, a little bit of Lore (even if I’m here then it’s a little more hoped for would have) and everything is almost perfectly presented. Why only almost? The slip-passages in the velvet uncontrolled hook beat, which is not really ideal Collision Detection and the sometimes not-so-fast-response commands have for me, but from time to time for frustration taken care of, and also things like the lack of animations when you Open crates underwater or plenty of illogically-placed invisible walls to tarnish the overall picture. To the contrary, however, in turn, is the fantastic Voice and Mo-Cap Acting of the cast, the wonderful Soundtrack full of original Star Warstunes and the really nicely implemented relationship between Cal and BD-1, which alone was a Highlight. Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order should be this Christmas, thus in each and every Fan of the star war series on the wish list – unless you want to wait with the Play at all for so long.
We have felt, hoped, doubted, and then again to the future with optimism looked. Today I can say that the worry and anxiety completely in vain, because Star Wars to Jedi: Fall of the Order is a really good Game to become. The characters were not bad, because EAs decision to Respawn with the development of the game to instruct, I felt very welcome. The American developer’s Studio had to deal with the surprisingly good single-player campaign from Titanfall 2 proved that it is more than just Multiplayer Action on top of it. Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order underlines my very positive impression I have of Respawn have a further Time. They cleverly use Gameplay mechanics to the current sizes of the Gaming industry, and they intertwine to build up a homogeneous Whole with enough Innovation to have an identity of its own. The duels with the light stroke of the sword on a very demanding, incredibly intense, and incredibly fun. Also, the exploration urge is aroused with the nested Level Design. There is a lot to discover, even if it is a sword mostly just Skins for the light, the BD-1 or Cals Poncho is. A little disappointed am I by the story, which Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order told. I had wanted a deep insight into the Lore and an interesting hero. Cal Kestis as the Protagonist is perhaps my greatest point of criticism, because the Jedi remains at any point of the Story is pale and one-dimensional. Nevertheless, I was able to tie the adventure with his narrative in the approximately 23 hours of playtime, and I wanted to see where I will lead, the experiences of the Padawan. Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order has minor shortcomings, this underline only the many Strengths it has. Every Star Wars Fan can enjoy a view of the car. He will have a great time. May the force be with you!
What is Star Wars Jedi: Fall of the Order? An Action-Adventure in the Star Wars Universe.Platforms: PC, PS4, XBox One
Tested: PC Intel Core i5-6500, 8GB RAM, Radeon RX Vega
Developer / Publisher: Respawn Entertainment/Electronic Arts
Release: 15. November 2019
Link: Official Website