Password Checkup: Chrome extension warns of dangers of data leaks
The Chrome extension Password Checkup is available immediately as a Download. Entered additions investigated the Tool to the previous data leaks.
Collection #1 to 5, Facebook Hack and more: data leaks endanger billions of users. Regular users should be accessing services, such as or the Identity Leak Checker of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute. Enter manually your own E-Mail address and see a Summary, in which data leaks from your address (including the password at the time of the data Klaus valid) appears. Google has now released an extension for the Chrome Browser that will offer users more safety and comfort
As a Chrome user, you can install from now on, Google’s new extension Password Checkup. This checks your entered in the Browser to access data on matches in the known databases and alerts you when a find occurs. Install the Tool in the Chrome Store by clicking on Add. The Tool is available without a restart of the browser and logs in with a warning. At this point, you should change their password of course.
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Google Password Checkup compares the combination of input access data (login and password) in the Browser with the data from known leaks. An advantage of this Check, the E-Mail-take-to address is obvious. A data leak is, for example, for several years already, should users of the said security services have their access password already changed. So outdated” risk alerts “can virtually hide and you only need to respond to current threats.
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For the safe Transmission and maximum privacy, even without that personal data will remain in Google hang out, serve multiple encryption technologies. Data to be hashed, anonymized, and then veiled. Details explained Blog Google on the English-speaking Security.