Newsflash: Binance.US starts Wednesday, Gemini stock exchange launches Custody Service
One of the most popular stock exchanges of the world, Binance, had announced a few weeks ago, that persons residing out of the United States must withdraw their funds from the stock exchange and on require to.
In a new blog post Binance has now been announced that the stock exchange receives from next Wednesday registrations and to support the beginning of the following tokens will be:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
- Bitcoin Cash
- Litecoin
- Tether
Binance also, that new crypto-currencies will be added on a regular basis, however, the strict regulations must be respected, so that the exchange rules are fully in the framework of the applicable U.S. (Freely translated):
According to the trade starts for this first Phase, we will expand the range of digital Assets available to verified users, continuously, in Binance.US, to Deposit and to act finally.
The availability of the digital Assets that we examine, is based on our Digital Asset Risk Assessment Framework.
Binance has not yet been announced when the trade is officially released, however, the US will no longer can citizens act from the 12.09.2019 on . The company has adapted to the new location, and has strong KYC requirements. New users will need to upload a valid government ID (driver’s license or passport) and a social security number to prove. So far, it was possible to create on Binance a account and trade without further verification steps, this is for US citizens no longer possible. Some skepticism and displeasure, at present, in the crypto-Community wide.
Bitcoin exchange-Gemini starts also Custody Service
The Big Player in the crypto scene, Coinbase, offers its customers already for some time a Custody Service to greater capital to be kept of the quantities of safe and reliable. This step is also the American stock exchange Gemini is going now. The Custody Service should comply with arrangements requirements gr0ßer and institutional financial institutions. Gemini is licensed by the New York State Deparment of Financial Services and aims to provide investors with liquidity “at the push of a button” to deploy.
Customers can act immediately with your full credit, without having to wait in line for several hours, until the Transfer of the Cold Storage is completed out. Jeanine Hightower-sellitto coming, the managing Director of Gemini, takes (freely translated):
At the end of the day it is, to simplify things, as you would put his assets in a vault. You want to make sure that your assets, if you want it, will be there.
This new interface allows customers to check balances, account statements, download and payouts prompt. Furthermore, customers can set different access rights, so that, for example, auditors balances and transactions, view and manage. CEO Tyler Winklevoss also describes (freely translated):
The maturation of crypto as an asset class depends on the safety and soundness of Depository banks, individual and institutional funds.
So far, Gemini Custody supported currencies total of 18 of Crypto and is planning Custody solutions for more assets away from the crypto values to establish currencies.
It’s #Crypto andcoffee-o’clock ☕love it. ⏰
Whether you’re interested in our retail or custody solution, we operate with a security-first mentality and focus on building trust.
Watch our new video to learn why investors should feel safe trading #crypto at Gemini:
— Gemini (@Gemini) 11. September 2019