New EOS-Scam in China: Around 50 million USD disappeared

It is not the first Time that EOS owners are affected by Scamming. In the new case, a damage of the equivalent of 50 million USD will be incurred.

Chinese Criminal cause repeated crypto-damage

In addition to Russia, China is in the circles of crypto-experts, particularly often as the starting point of cyber-crime. In the past years, there were always reports of attacks by hackers, the Bitcoin exchanges significant damage have inflicted. In the current case, but it’s not about hackers. Instead, various sources report that China’s service provider, EOS Ecology is responsible for massive Scams. However, it turns this Time, not cyber-crime through Hacking. The Wallet service provider, is said to have cheated its customers in a big way and the money stolen. As the Name already shows, it is not BTC or Ethereum, but the digital currency EOS. Coins of the order of magnitude of the equivalent of a whopping 50 million US dollars will be gone on the Basis of the current exchange rate.

A lack of clarity with respect to the involved EOS-Wallets

Thus, the EOS-Exit Scam would be enormous. Not be concealed at this point, however, that the experts are in disagreement as to which Wallet App is affected. Several reports speak of the said mobile application EOS Ecology, other sources, refer to the service EOS Ecosystem. Establishes the contradictory messages seem to be that the Chinese terms allow for different Translations. Right, but one is that it is a proven Scam-success. The offender should have the address “w. io” backed up. Said digital address to arrange industry experts with the internationally known and prestigious Block, the Producer of “Stareos”. Stareos even want to know of the connection. Rather, it is in the context of common practice, User acquire the relevant addresses by auction, and thus .io-registry. The approach of the industry to be quite common.

Some of the participating addresses seem to be unmasked

The perpetrators, in turn, will still be in the network unknown have been. As the relevant accounts of the operator is called the address “huobidevice1”, “huobidevice2”, “huobidevice3” and “huobidevice5”. The alleged connection to the popular Bitcoin exchange, Huobi, the provider has of himself. Around the currency at EOS – as well as the Coins for BTC, Litecoin or EOS EOS Vote and EOSCUBE there had been several times in the past News in the context of Scam activities. It is questionable in the light of the messages now, the extent to which the crimes impact on the EOS-the course will have. Yet the impact in a manageable framework keep. First decline in the developments could in the past, the overall market movements due.

Featured Image: Artur Szczybylo |