Messenger+ Update for The Messenger
Sabotage Studio today released the Messenger+ update for the Retro-Jump’n’Run The Messenger on Steam and Nintendo Switch.
The update will allow players (who have already completed the game) to start a new space with a plus sign next to it, containing all previously unlocked upgrades (and the awesome windmill throwing stars) – but of course also an adjusted difficulty level and correspondingly scaled opponents and bosses. To be able to access it, the players only need a completely completed storage space (game history at 100%).
This results in a spiral into an endless nightmare of difficulty: With New Game+ each subsequent run adds another + to the save file name, further increasing the damage taken (which then also means that players are wiped out in a single hit) and the boss opponents endure even more – creating an organic challenge for those very players who just can’t get enough kicks in the virtual butt.
Weitther the update optimizes the game feel – by controller remapping, visual hints in the underwater labyrinth and a hint function that guides adventurers better through the exciting game. And the developers have also added a jukebox. What’s the matter with you? Because they can!
For more information about The Messenger visit You can find our test here.