Investment-App Ember takes 700.000 USD

The Startup App App Ember Fund allows users to crypto investments. The hedge Fund may disclose to a successful Crowdfunding Finanzierungsrumme with a revenue of 700,000 dollars. It is important that the Reg CF, regulations of the U.S. securities and exchange served to SEC as a basis. The new revenue should be used according to the Ember Fund to increase the number of customers and for the optimization of the platforms.

Ember Fund, a crypto-Investment-App, which is, among other things, in the UK and the USA, gathered fresh capital through a Crowdfunding sale in strict compliance with the applicable rules of the Supervisory authority, the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC) from the USA.

The regulations under the name of Reg, CF, the SEC will give the Startup (and other interested companies, of course) a free Hand for Fundraising, up to a maximum of 1.07 US Dollar within 12 months. Companies must register with the authority.

Alex Wang, in his capacity of CEO of the company, confirmed that the goal had actually been a total amount of US $ 500,000. In the course of the round of Sales, but the brand shifted successively. Because additional growth channels for the procurement of capital have been discovered, decided to the Fund raising.

Wang continues, you will use as a platform for the attempt, especially in the area of new programs to attract customers to. Only in the past year, the company was started. Its Smart Contracts technology will now be further developed in order to strengthen the App.

Interested parties were able to acquire up to date, so-called Safe securities through a special Crowdfunding-project. Was used the platform of the Republic. Up to date Ember Fund collected 591.000 USD.

Were involved in addition, Gil Penchina of the company’s Flight Ventures, which invests in merger had already in the Ripple, and LinkedIn. Additional capital received Ember by David Weisburd and Kleiner Perkins.

The acronym SAFE stands for “Simple Agreement for Future Equity”, which is, in turn, an investment agreement, the investors ‘ claims on the equity of the company, if the company is taken over or on a public stock exchange should make a note of.


Ember Fund‘s customer base grew since market start steadily. This is not least due to the simple usability of the platform, to invest in the managed crypto portfolio without having Assets to hold. The peculiarity of the “non-custody subject to” offer, in comparison to counterparts with a “duty of care”: When Ember Founds will transactions consistently “on-chain”, so that investors retain control over the invested capital.

Of about 20,000 registered App users, the company is talking about. The current payments amount to more than 6.0 million dollars through the platform, the current transaction volume puts the company on more than 20 million USD.

Currently, the range of the company includes in the area of the previously tested crypto portfolio models such as Quant Fund, the Format of the Big 3 Weighted Fund, the Ember 5 Weighted Fund, as well as products such as the Marius S-Tier Fund or the DataDash Index Fun.

The Marius S-Tier Fund from the house of Ember Fund realized from the beginning of the year until the end of April 2020, a yield in the amount of 23.4% of the Bitcoin (BTC). Quand Fund rose by 29.5 %. The cryptographic services currency Bitcoin rose in the same period “only” 20.9 %.