GamingUp E3 Showcase 2020
GamingUp – The Games and Hardware to the meeting place took advantage of the year’s trials and tribulations to cancelled trade fairs and events, with the GamingUp E3 Showcase in 2020, for the first time, a stand-alone presentation to be made. By Twitch-Stream has GamingUp different already appeared or soon-to-be forthcoming Play of German developers and publishers are presented.
Port Royale 4 (Kalypso Studios)
In Port Royale 4 play we are a young and ambitious Governor of a small Caribbean colony in the 17th century. Century. In doing so, we have to fight against other colonial wants the supremacy in the Caribbean. To this end, we have the development of our Economy strategically to our settlement expanding and a lucrative trading Empire with huge cities to build.
Port Royale 4 is displayed on the 25. September 2020 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Space Base Startopia (Kalypso Media)
In space base Startopia we try us as a Manager of a space base, which of the various Alien races inhabited. The hook to this melting pot is extra-terrestrial cultures in the fact that this variety of Aliens to confront us with as many breed specific needs, we have to breastfeed to have a successful space-based build. In addition to the need for management, world space, and either cooperative or competitive multi-player matches VAL, the ship’s own AI, a Central Highlight of the game is battles.
Space base Startopia appears on the 23. October 2020 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Sunrise Roots (Flying Sheep Studios)
Sunrsise Roots is a HTML5-based midcore Mobile Game for Mobile-Browser and Instant Messanger. The title is a Social Farming – and collective game whose Setting is the small and magical village of Sunrise Roots. Players grow fruit, vegetables and cereals in your own guests, play games in the village of different mini and receive as a reward decorative Items for your home.
The Third Case (Assemble Entertainment)
In the case of The Innsmout Case is a H. P. Lovecraft inspired Text Adventure with a sense of humour-wing Setting. In it, we slip into the skin of a detective who has to investigate the mysterious Disappearance of Tabitha Marsh.
The third Case will appear on 23 June 2020 for PC and mobile devices.
End Zone – A World Apart (Assemble Entertainment)
End zone – A world Apart is a Survival Horror urban planning simulation, in which we, after a disastrous terrorist attack on various nuclear power stations in the civilization by using a small group of Survivors living in a new build you must. We need to defend ourselves against constant Radiation, toxic rain, sand storms and droughts.
End zone – A World Apart since 02. April as an Early Access title on Steam.
Deadly Days (Assemble Entertainment)
Deadly Days is a strategy Rouge-Like in the Zombie Apocalypse. It is our task to a group of Survivors lead by the disaster. During our search for helpful objects, we meet a crazy Survivor, are useful special abilities and to keep deadly weapons on the look-out.
Deadly Days is already available on Steam.
Jessika (Assemble Entertainment)
Jessika is a Full-Motion Video role-playing game in the style of the Story. As private investigators, we go to the supposed suicide of the title by giving Jessika. For this, we make our way through the thicket Jessikas online presence, your digital footprint, more and more video clips, audio files and notes reveal, the us is always a deeper insight into the life of Jessica in front of the intermediate case.
Jessika appears in the summer of this year for the PC.
Rough Justice: ’84 (Gamma Minus-UG)
In the time management game Rough Justice: ’84 from the Indie Studio Gamma Minus UG, we give the head of a private security Agency. In this function, we are for the Hiring, Training and dispatch of agents in charge, to make the volatile people find or return visits, Seizures, and private investigation and orders to carry out.
Here is the complete GamingUp E3 Showcase 2020 to have a Look: