Ergonomic Gaming Play without back pain
More than five million people regularly play video games, where the players spend weekly, on average, more than eleven hours with your Hobby. Who then plays a little more than the average, quickly comes to game times, match the time scope of a part-time basis. The calls also like critics on the Plan. So the Play would lead young people to Posture, whereas the older players, especially with back pain would have to face.
To be dismissed out of Hand these allegations are not. Finally, we focus the Play on the Events and sitting for a long time. If now, however, a reduction of your playing time is not an Option for you and the health is still not suffering is, there is a simple solution: Ergonomic Gaming. But what does it actually mean and what are the tips you should be aware of, so you can enjoy long Gaming Sessions healthy?
The concept of ergonomics was actually in connection with the world of work. So, to optimize the human work so that the work force stays healthy and in the end even more powerful. The work should be a burden on the workers, therefore, neither fatigue nor one-sided, so he could exercise over the years without any health consequences. Today, the term ergonomics is wider. So this science is striving in the present, with the question of how products are designed with comfort in mind, and which conditions and behaviors can protect our health in everyday life. Applied to the Gaming the simple questions, such as, for example, the Desk of PC player be or what else should a console player on the Couch all then. And this is what it’s supposed to go now.

Ergonomics in the workplace | source | author = Marcel Kollmar
We start with the PC players, in which ergonomics plays the most important role. While console and Mobile players are relatively free to move, need PC player for the classical mouse-keyboard-control to sit the whole time upright on the Desk. For this reason, the same ergonomic principles used in the office to application grab here. The chair should be high enough so that the knee is a right angle bend and the feet can be placed on the floor. The table top and the keyboard and mouse should be located on a level the player reaches, if he relaxed the arms next to the body hanging makes the lower arms at a right angle to the front on the table top stores. The screen also has already in approximately the right height. Who looks straight forward, should have a look at about the top edge of the monitor. The wrists can also have an ergonomic Wrist rest to relieve. A mouse cable holder may, in the case of Shooter and strategy games that ultimately contribute to a resistance-free mouse to manage the guide and the precision increases.
A number of manufacturers of Gaming Euipment have taken these thoughts into account already and provide special mice, keyboards, Gaming Chairs, tables and other accessories to enable fatigue-free Gaming. So Logitech offers about users having problems with pain in the mouse hand, the Logitech MX Vertical mouse to have, which is next to the also Work very well for a Gamble, and for the wrist, the ergonomic posture offers. But also other manufacturers such as Trust Gaming or Evoluent offer similar products.

The Logitech MX Vertical mouse is suitable not only for Work, also great for Gaming and provides better ergonomics
In the case of console gamers, these tips fall is even harder. Many of you play on the Couch, while others are sometimes on the floor or in bed. For the console to play the tip, which is, of course, for the PC Gaming important is this: Trying the moving Seats. This simply means that the player changes his sitting posture on a regular basis. If you’re sitting on a chair, then the legs to beat them on top of each other, sit straight, let yourself be relaxed in the back drop, or sitting focused bent forward, while you fight the final boss. Possibly. take a look at the seat bags of game warez, the are quite comfortable, you will find a Test at this Link.
It is important that none of these attitudes is your only. Who has not changed his posture automatically, you can install the small memory AIDS, in order to do that. For example, you could make you, after each round of the game or change after each Level, the Seating position quite consciously. In such a transition phase you could observe, but in the second ergonomic tip that players of all platforms relates to: the moving Pause. At the latest after an hour of Play, each player should get up briefly and move a little.
With these simple tips, each player can ensure that even long seasons lead to problems. At the same time you can also be yet another sitting to pursue Hobbies, to get in the back. Who is playing about in the Online Casino and the latest tips and information Casino guide in Austria is concerned, is also benefiting from this Point. Then only the fun center is also at the blackjack, Roulette or slot games.