Desperados III In the Test
It is the turret popping again! After more than a decade since the last adventures Desperados III tells the history of John, Kate, and DocMcoy. So much can be revealed: it was worth The Wait!
The history of the Desperados is a adventurous. Founded in the Wake of the Commandos achievements, developed by Spellbound Studios on behalf of Infogrames in 2001 the first Western Commandos called Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive. In this the player took the warhorse John Cooper, and led him and his cronies to a myriad of Stealth Kills. The game was well received and also followed relatively soon is the sequel to “Desperados 2: Cooper’s Revenge” in 2006. At this time, under the leadership of Atari, which Spellbound Studios, however, such payment had problems, that the collaboration broke, and a planned Add-On called Desperados: Conspiracy finally, under a new Publisher as a private game Helldorados released. The quality of the games, the disputes were gone without a trace, and also the some very crisp level of difficulty was not for everyone.
In a way, it took now a whopping 13 years until THQ Nordic the third part of the series among the people. With the simple name “Desperados III” may be the still quite young Mimimi development Studio from Munich, the hope for Real Time tacticians try. Some of the experience you have already with your 2016 published Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun collected. This has enabled, as the Name suggests, the popular recipe of the surreptitious tactics in feudal Japan, and the then relatively opposite Genre broke breathes fresh Wind. Consequently, the Munich, also the new impetus of the Shadow’s Tactics in Desperados III will be further developed. While it is so in terms of content, back in the past, and as a Prequel, the history of Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive tells the third part of the Desperados technically and game play the Fans with diverse news delight.

Voodoo, Gatling Guns, and Bianca
The most important is the so-called Showdown function, with which the player can not only stop time, but also actions can be planned, executed then it is. In the further course, it is possible to this kind of large-scale attacks to coordinate all of his comrades-in-arms, which opens up a variety of approach. Speaking of comrades-in-arms – come here with Hector (his character bears strong case to plate), Kate OHara (expert in Disguise and deception) and to the always unerring Doc McCoy (sniper & poison mixer) now the mysterious Voodoo priestess Isabelle Moreau used. Their abilities are also a welcome addition, it can affect the bad guys directly and in the short term, confuse, or even control. Also a Voodoo feature of the linking is available, so that a second villain, the same fate learns as his sidekick. Skills such as these are entertaining and a breath of fresh air in the already – large selection of action possibilities in Desperados III.
The story reinvents the wheel not necessarily new, together, our heroes go up against the equally corrupt and greedy and brutal railway company. The cards offer an impressive size and allow for many different paths and practices. The Overview remains the thanks to free Zoom and rotation, as well as “marking”, the usable items as well. Sometimes you can eavesdrop even among civilians mixing, and whose conversations (or the trickster), which is sometimes also useful information on possible solutions. All of this is necessary, because the enemies offer quite intelligent behavior, and, depending on the difficulty level (which is by the way very varied freely) a deadly challenge. The control is comfortable, and usually quite accurately, even the pathfinding generally works. Even lovers of Gamepads in Desperados III to your preferred control enjoy. The only annoying Element, which struck me personally was the control of a Gatling Gun, which should be a pleasure, as the ultimate destruction tool. At the end I was drained, however, and the Mission quietly and secretly done. The different options there are, fortunately, almost always.

High Noon in modern
Graphically, the game is quite pleasing, at any time, and the large maps are very nicely presented. Also, the speaker of the heroes, the does not occur only in the Cut Scenes, but the action during the missions again and again, comment on, contribute to the maintenance of creep in the case of seed strategy. With the sardonic Doc McCoy, the stealth Backstab is fun. Extra entertaining, it will then, if he held Trapper Hector a bet, who is eliminated because more bad guys. Too serious the game takes itself, fortunately, at no time, so that the temporarily stressful moments are always alternated with amusing.
For Hardcore strategists, various Extra challenges for each scenario are added, as well as a replay function at the end of each Mission, and a list of the most used skills and characters. However, you can be on the automatic memory of the last memory of the time probably just turn up their noses. Should save you as a normal player, but a lot and regularly. Even if it does not automatically mean Game Over, if the warriors are discovered once. Because if you can turn off the immediate danger and quickly hide, leaving the enemy the Alarm mode, after an unsuccessful search. However, the guards of the Reinforcement bars, which are activated in case of Alarm, and at intervals new enemies eject stay more on the map and make it difficult for you to Backstab. In the worst case, can the Desperados III heroes, it is, however, with a smaller force of enemies in direct combat record. Because if nobody is there to raise the Alarm, it is also unseen – isn’t it?
The third part of the Desperados is the Mimimi Studios, a surprisingly amusing Western Stealth tactics Hit succeeded, both veterans, but also newcomers, which may in Commandos HD more to do with the ruthlessness despair, responsive. The presentation is contemporary, from graphics, to music and speakers in all areas of the Western flair. But above all, the novel Element of the Showdown makes many combinations possible, which has not existed in this Form. This is rounded off by the amusing presentation and innovative skills of our champion, makes Desperados III, at least for me, the best part of the series.
What Desperados III? A Stealth Tactics Strategy GamePlatforms: PC
Tested on: INTEL Classico QuadCore i7-4770K / 32GB RAM [4×3.50 GHz] Motherboard:[1150] MSI Z87-G45 Gaming
RAM:1600MHz RAM module(s)
Developer / Publisher: Mimimi Studios/THQ Nordic
Release: 16.June 2020
Link: Official Website