Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise in the Test
2005 – 2010 – 2019 – …: Please complete the series of numbers! No, don’t worry, this is not a standardized test, but the three key annual figures from Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. Agent Francis York – call me York, everybody calls me Morgan is back, ten years after its investigations in the rural town of Greenvale, Washington. Or at least almost. Because at the beginning of the game greets us not the always cheerful FBI Profiler with a pronounced weakness for B-Movies of the 90s, unsweetened coffee with milk and a relentless directness, but clearly misanthropic and more white-haired, but especially a supposedly fictional friend since childhood, Zach, with which York in Deadly Premonition and in a constant mono-Logis losing replacement. Foggy from the haze of countless, of course, for medical reasons prescribed – Joints, he punishes two FBI agents with a mixture of failure and contempt.
As Deadly Premonition in 2010, for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 was released, triggered the Survival-Horror Action-Adventure game by Access Games, a controversy, in the light of which those to The Last of Us Part II fading. Because while the latest masterpiece from Naughty Dog especially in a small – but nevertheless, according to the strong – grouping with more than questionable Motives – a peculiar Amalgam of a lack of understanding of a Narrative, so some of the anticipation of painful to thwart addiction and resistance to the public effective pop-cultural representation of minorities, and the common stereo-types resisting characters – for displeasure provided, was the gaming press in 2010, itself deeply divided: While Distrucoitd Deadly Premonition, not the least of its comedic value because, as a masterpiece of its genre celebrated, the bad was, that it is winning again, almost as a perfect show, and the title accordingly, with ten out of ten, gave him his IGN with two out of a possible ten points, a sound virtual slap in the face. It might not be surprising, therefore, that it is the creation of Hidetaka Suehiro (better known under the Pseudonym of SWERY) in 2012, as the critical polarisierendste Survival Horror game, to get into the Guinness book of world records made. Really surprised the game community, however, than at last year’s Nintendo Direct with a Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise , a Switch-exclusive successor, in the style of the first part, was announced. In the second Survival Horror Action-Adventure adventures of FBI agent Francis York Morgan, we face a mysterious murder case that takes place before the events of the first part and to be closely connected with the events of Greenvale from the year 2010 connected seems.

Past meets present
In 2005, a body disappears without a trace, only to 2019, fourteen years later, unexpectedly reappear; just in that place from which they originally disappeared. It is the fragmented and in a block of ice new is joined together in a tinned corpse of Lise Clarkson, the granddaughter of the Tycoons of the southern city of Le Carré, Louisiana. In this case, the determined Agent Francis York Morgan – one of each, how he makes us reliable knowledge, simply only York, called in this murder case, because he suspected him in connection with the intoxicant Saint Rouge, and the to-scale drug ring standing. Inconsistencies with respect to its investigations, as well as a peculiar connection of this Case to the events in Greenvale, five years later, in which also “just York” determined to call the FBI agent Aaliyah Davis on the Plan. In his Apartment in Thompsonville, a suburb of Massachusetts, questioned Davis Francis Morgan, Zach, in the year 2019 in respect of the events of the time. Anything the Nietzsche quote, the agent’s hiding Zach in terms of investigations in Le Carré from the year 2005. But what?
Le Carré, on the drawing Board as a square-scale town in Louisiana for almost 100 years in the hands of the Clarkson family, as the daughter of the house, Lise Clarkson, the victim of a brutal murder is. By chance, Agent York Morgan is in Le Carré. On his own authority, he has taken the track of the noise by means of Saint Rouge, which led him to the small town. There York learns through the cooking of his hotel by the murder of the daughter of the local Tycoon family Clarkson. York’s interest is aroused and he sends to the local authorities in the case and to wrest the corresponding investigations, in order to search on your own for the killer Lise Clarkson’s. But where to start? York, his obvious model Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks) all the same, fortunately, has always pioneering visions; in the present case of Houngan, a Haitian Voodoo priest who tries to bring us with Oracle spells on the right track. And so York is determined by the sultry and sweaty Le Carré, in which it is in front of whimsical characters teeming and device deeper and deeper into a family drama of epic proportions, in which demonic forces are driving new mischief.
Deadly Premonitions…
Hungan serves as a Central quest giver in the main story of Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise. He speaks in oracles, i.e. small puzzles to us, which lead us within the free to walk around town from Station to Station. In the so-called Decryption passages, we must assign the enigmatic Oracle spells Hungans specific places on the map of Le Carré. Always a specific Location, which is in direct connection with the murder of Lise Clarkson hides behind a part of a puzzle. Our task is andgedeuteten during the decryption sequences from a plurality of images of places, Le Carré, and the right, by the Oracle, the place to choose. We decide us for the Wrong we received a tadelndes word by York, however, need fear no reprisals, and so long in front of us, until we have found the right place – and it was only by the good old process of elimination–. Is accompanied this with the appropriate explanations of York, and to enlighten us on the hidden meaning of the Oracles. The only difficulty is now, in consequence, that Le Carré is not only established as an open-world, but at the same time, a shirred 24-hour rhythm. This means that most of The locations have certain opening Hours, respectively, are to be found whose inhabitants only to specific times in the dwellings. The mandatory resulting waiting times we pass either one of the numerous side-quests, or – and given the quality of the side quests, the recommended variant – light us a cigarette, by means of which we can speed up. Because no matter how much life time to us the enjoyment of a Glimmstängels may also include costs which are in addition to quests, the gained life-time is truly not worth it.

…and an unexpected blessing?
At the same it is in the rule, namely, to classic fetch quests, so Pick – up and delivery tasks, which we receive from various NPCs. For instance, we have the local Diner, the bowling alley owner will also need to get different ingredients for a dish that our status values new charges. Because York must not only sleep, but eat to keep up your strength. The hunger display drops into the critical area of our life is reduced in the display, and our endurance that we need for Sprints. Ah Yes, the first ingredient, rice, we get, without any instructions in a Bush in the vicinity of the Sugar plantation of the Clarksons. Who would have thought it? The Tiring of this particular quest line, however, is not only the Absence of any evidence, but also the fact that we need to deliver each ingredient individually at Alexus. Only after the Diner owner has received the rice, the price is what is needed as the second ingredient. And so on and so forth.
On the wall of the Sherif Department, we get to the variety of Quests in which we us to the decimation of the local Fauna have to take care of. So it is packs of dogs, squirrels or alligators fur or leather to pull on ears and ear canals. Not least, the extremely nervous control, due to the not inverting, just no pleasure. Among other tasks, the Manufacture of Voodoo Spells or rocks on the local river to jump.
Back on the main path
Let the side quests rather on the roadside, and we take care of the quite exciting story told in the second part of Deadly Premonition, respectively, the expected tasks. Since York was shut down, stolen at the beginning of his adventure in Le Carré the car and we are inspired, first of all, in the course of the history of Uber fast way to travel free, we cross the town first of all, by means of a Skateboard. This works more bad than good, brings us, however, in General, at our destination, the next determination position within the Le Carrés and the leading Dialog, or to Analyze the scene of the crime.
This crime scene analysis aims to reconstruct these events, which have occurred in the relevant locations. To do this we click on Hotspots over the image and to listen to, what to say to York to. We have exhausted all the choices, the FBI Agent his conclusions, which lead us to a further place.

The other world
After exactly the same Schema, the so-called Singularity Inspections from running, so the study of places, which prove to be singularities. This is a Central Element of the game. Singularities are places where our world meets with the red glow of Light, and vine-covered Otherworld to each other. Here portals are which we are in a demonic parallel world. There is not only the scissors-armed demons on us, which we need to defend our gun, but also multi-phase boss battles. In the Otherworld York Arm fused in addition to with his trusty shooting iron to a rechargeable energy balls wasted owing a weapon that causes more damage and to multiple enemies at the same time, can turn off. The same we can take only so long to the use, as long as our focus is filled with the ring partially. All segments are exhausted of the same, we can rely on our conventional firepower.
We killed the first boss, it goes back in our hotel room, where we carry our preliminary assessment, the results of our investigation Board. These passages make any new, as in the case of the decryption Hungans Oracle spells – as a question – and-answer game between York and the us, respectively, Zach. Because York speaks to us as Zach. In this way, York deducted with our help, New, or just contains Known again short and concise.
Back in the present
At the beginning of the Episode we find ourselves in the present. Here we control neither York nor Zach, but the FBI agent Aaliyah Davis. Together with our colleague Simon Jones, we try to elicit Zach information about the processes taking place in Le Carré, the drug Saint Rouge, as well as their connection to Greenvale in 2010. These surveys are run in turn according to the same scheme as the crime scene investigations: We go through it with Hotspots provided objects on the screen and listen to the relevant dialogue – or monologue snippets. Only one of the items brings more to the Story. We are impatient, we can us the same with our focus ability, which Davis, as well as York, to highlight. During these interviews, in Zach’s apartment, a density crime mood actually comes. If Davis feels Zach on the gums, and him with his past investigative work to lure him from the Reserve and to lead in such a way to give more Details about the case, Lise Clakrson price, and in the Background a Thunderstorm is about Thompsonville goes down a mood, the leaves in spite of the smooth animations, unsightly technology and the feeble Gameplay, before our eyes a fascinating world.

Unexpected blessing or shipwreck with spectator?
So exciting the story may ultimately be, however, so disastrous new technology and game play mechanics from fall. Although the slight Cel shaded graphics gives the title a certain timeless gloss, but the textures are muddy, the animations are a horror, the lighting is more of a blackout and the Framerate breaks down in part to the slideshow.
To top it all ad nauseam, the control is simply a disaster. Not only that, the camera is not invertible robbed me last nerve, the Skateboard rides, and the Shooter Mechanics were me, whether or not the nervousness of the panel and their General inaccuracy again and again to despair.
In the meantime, is part of two a lot more beginner-friendly than its immediate predecessor. The map is clear, the quest log is tidier, and also the inventory system is significantly more accessible. The fast travel system allows us to move faster from point A to point B and saves us unnecessary Skateboard rides through the dead open world of Le Carré, in which only a good two feet in front of us NPCs spawn.
Nevertheless, it suffers Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise as a game in the year 2020 shipwreck. And this, ironically, is striking precisely because of the increased accessibility even more. Where the first part was a bit eccentric, is his successor, just bulky, where the title is from the year 2010, staged as a cranky little person work of art, device, part two-just for hard work. And yet also part of retains some of that Fascination, which the controversy surrounding the first series of offshoot made it all possible in the first place.
Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise presents itself technically, the 2020 usual Standards, in a disastrous state. Frame rate dips, clunky animations, more than just outdated graphics and muddy textures are complemented by boring side quests, repetitive Gameplay and unresponsive control. As the game’s title, like its predecessor is expected, only very long-suffering players.
Who creates it, however, by the repulsive surface to the narrative core of the game is to drill, told SWERY new a fascinating history. The acting performance by Jeff Kramer, who lends the protagonist Francs, York Morgan, his voice is beyond any doubt and also the majority of the remaining characters is set to music worth listening to. In comparison to part one, the Soundtrack makes her a lot. Not only the mix right at last, so that not all the dialogues are drowned by the music, the variety you can hear. Always consistent and rarely out of place under the paint the mood of each scene.
As the game suffers Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise of ship breaking is contrary to his title as the no of hidden blessing. Maybe SWEARY did rotate well to movies, move to, instead of developing games. Perhaps the bulkiness of the title is, however, at the same time, the perfect metaphor for York and Zach’s investigative activities, the metaphysical case analysis: comes first of All in the world – or Otherworld – the players, he is thrown back by the mysterious character of the game as a work of art that any rule, injunction deprives of force by the player on themselves. I would be Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise anyway, in spite of its glaring defects and weaknesses, not in my collection want to miss.
What is Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is? A survival Horror Action-Adventure game with Thrid-person shooter-deposits, and a major focus of his narrative.Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Tested: Nintendo Switch
Developer / Publisher: Toy box Inc. / Rising Star Games Ltd.
Release: 10. July 2020
Link: Official Website