Blizzcon 2019 – a trade fair full of Highlights
This weekend, the long Wait has finally come to an end. On Friday the 01.11 and Saturday 02.11 finds the Blizzcon 2019, Blizzard entertainment’s in-house exhibition in the Anaheim Convention Center in California instead. Blizzcon 2018 left last year, unfortunately, a lot of wishes, and had disappointed the own Community in many areas. This Time, it has to be the trust of the long-term Fans won back. Already from the first second of this year’s Blizzcon felt it: this year’s different! Blizzard lost absolutely no time. Even before the opening countdown of the Blizzcon 2019 all the way down counted was started already in the first Cinematic, and it had definitely in.
Diablo IV revealed – the rise of Lilith comes
For many years, had Blizzard the Fans of the Diablo universe, waiting appeared to be the last offshoot of Diablo III, but already in the year 2012, the last and the only Addon in the year 2014. Now returns to hell, finally back in the world Sankturios back. The latest incarnation of Blizzard entertainment’s genre-defining Action role-playing game series returns with a dark, intuitive Gameplay, lots of customization options, more loot and infinite adventures back.
An ancient Evil threatens to cases of sanctuary in the darkness. Lilith, daughter of hell ruler, Diablo, threatens the world in doom-plunge – gruesome and sinister than ever before. Diablo IV zgibt the players the possibility of getting your own way by far the most extensive Version of the world of sanctuary to. The latest Diabloadventure remains in its roots of the Franchises true and contains an intuitive combat system, gruesome and varied monsters, a epic hunt for legendary loot, endless playability and infinite progress. Diablo IV supports the game alone or in co-ordinated groups of players but also opportunities for a common world to meet – either to combines greater challenges to face, or each other in PvP Battles to slaughter.
Diablo IV comes with a new, modern Engine developed. You opened the Diabloseries, countless options: from smooth animation of the characters – like the flowing transformation of the druids – to for seamless, huge world, by the players in search of the next Dungeon full of riches journeys. Thus, players can even deeper into the even tougher and more deadly world of Diablo IV immersion.

The first, the major Features of Diablo IV:
- the largest Version of the world of Sankturio – five large, contiguous areas with smooth Transitions
- five classes from the previous Diablo clones developed were three of these classes have been announced so far: barbarian, sorcerer, druid
- PVP areas where players since a long time, fighting against each other can
- first personalizable riding animals, to the largest world also appealing to explore
- countless ways to shape the character of their own: the customizable talent trees, and skills, a deep loot system, legendary items and powerful gear sets, runes and rune words
Visitors to the Blizzcon 2019 , this weekend is already a unique opportunity for the world’s first public Demo of Diablo IV to test. For the viewers at home, will be transferred to the Demo on the exclusive stream. I’m excited to see what we have this weekend still on Diablo IV will learn. Regarding release dates, we received in the Diablo IV Panel, unfortunately, just a small Info: “This is the very first step on our journey. We won’t release this game very soon – not even Blizzard Soon“. So it is probably still some time, if not will take several years until we Diablo IV is finally in our own hands can. But is Diablo IV for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be available. More info on the official site of Diablo IV to find.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – the realm of the dead waits
After the announcement of Diablo IV dropped the Blizzcon 2019 the audience just a little time to the personal snacks to stock up on Chips to replenish. No sooner had the arrival of the Queen of Hell, Lilith, half-digested, held the death, self-closing, in the halls of the Anaheim Convention center in California – in the Form of one of the most visually dazzling Cinematics in the history of World of Warcraft.
Sylvanas Windrunner, the fallen leader of the Horde, has the veil between Azeroth and the realm of the dead, pierce. The cosmic balance between life and death threatens to destroy. It is now up to the heroes of Azeroth , the realm of the dead to enter and deal with the consequences of Sylvanas‘ actions deal in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Because the realm of the dead is in turmoil. So far, the dead souls were brought to a part of the shadow land that was their life appropriately. The heroes were led into the glorious halls, criminals in dark dungeon locked. However, now all souls, without exception, are in the throat headed to the darkest place in the Kingdom of the dead. A Land of endless damnation, reserved for the greatest criminals of the Dimension.
It is now up to us, the original circuit, and the full extent of Sylvanas’ plans to uncover. On your travels through the shadow country, meeting players on some of the late legends of the Warcraft®universe, like Uther the light bringer, the dark powers are fighting, or Kael’thas Sunstrider, an old player, the enemies of the past and wants to avenge.

The first, major Features of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands:
- For the very first Time we enter the land of the shadow, the realm of the dead, divided into five new zones: the shining fields of Bastion, the harsh battle fields of Maldraxxus, the eternal dusk of Arden forest, the opulent fortresses of Revendreth and the terrible maw.
- The Power of a Pact to obtain: players will be prompted to choose a connection to one of the four pacts of the shadow lands, who are met in the course of the story. When you level up, you get on their choice based on new skills, and specific comet of bonuses.
- In the heart of the throat Torghast, the tower of the Damned, in the most despicable souls of the universe are locked up in is. Heroes are encouraged to explore the ever-changing halls and chambers of the tower, and loot the therefore legendary treasures.
- Each stage is of importance. Characters with current level cap (120) start Shadowlands at level 50 and work on the new maximum level of 60.
- A new army of the dead rises: to fight Sylvanas’ attack on Icecrown, has Bolvar Fordragon – the revered former Paladin who took the throne of the Lich king to keep the scourge at Bay – heroes of all the races of Azeroth together to strengthen the death knights of Acherus. With Shadowlands can Pandaren and all of the allied Nations now death knights are.
- Improved options for the character customization: players a variety of new character customizations for all the Nations available, if you are new to World of Warcraft-characters to create (or in the case of spending six months in the game the look of an existing character).
More details are on the official page of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands to find.
Hearthstone: legacy of the dragons – powerful dragons, and automated battle fields
After a few gloomy hours full of death and despair, it was up to the developers of Hearthstone, a little joy in the Messesäle the Blizzcon 2019 to bring. With the new Hearthstone expansion legacy of the dragons is completely successful! Colourful dragons, a Chaos full of guns – accompanied by music to set the mood! The extension brings 135 new cards in the game, and equips players with a dragon’s fire – the ability to put himself in Galakrond to transform, the most powerful dragon in the history of Warcraft.
The year of the dragon began with the expansion of conspiracy of shadows, the players, the villains League SC.B.E.L. was presented, a shadowy organization under the leadership of the infamous facing off against Rafaam. In rescuers of Uldum tried these scoundrels, a plague on the world to let go of, but together with the Explorer’s League were players that Plan to thwart. Now, in heir to the dragon – the forces of Good and Evil for the last Time meet, and with the support of dragon – many, many dragons. Hearthstoneplayers who log in, if legacy of the dragons to the approach that is most get free all five hero cards of Galakrond.
Heroic druids, hunters, mages and paladins can escape Galakronds Power, or you can face the impending doom head on, by completing the new daily quests which can offer you in the early game, a variety of easy-to-reach goals and rewards.
The battlefield is calling
This time a new extension was, however, not everything that Blizzard had to offer in the home Hearthstone. The card game is complemented from the middle of November, a completely new mode! Hearthstone: battle field is a turbulent, automatic game mode, where eight players with 24 unique heroes, servant recruit, you will have to strategically position and you watch them on the field of battle to fight for dominance.
This is a free game mode as a standalone game experience developed, the Hearthstone as the basis of uses, in the man, but not a card collection to build or expand must. Hearthstone: battlefield is with the beginning of the open Beta on Tuesday, the 12. November for all players to be available. This is included Hearthstone in the successful car-Chess-Genre , which is already spin-offs like team fight Tactics or Dota under lords revolutionized was.
More info on the official site of Hearthstone: Decent of Dragons to find.
Overwatch 2 – is a Sequel, re-defined
About no other announcement was made in the run-up to Blizzcon in 2019, as much speculated as a possible successor to the team-based shooter Overwatch. This appeared only in may 2016, and is actually still relatively young. But Blizzard read it, nevertheless, not take, with Overwatch 2 is a Sequel of a particular kind in the development-to-send – with no less a goal than a “a typical Sequel completely re-define”!
For many years he was asked, and now he will finally become a reality: the coveted story mode! In the successor of Overwatch immerse the player finally even in the story of Overwatch, if the world of Overwatch again shortly before the destruction is. Players are active in the OverwatchSaga, intervention, and the roles of various heroes take to the world from the Omnic armed forces of the Zero Sector to defend.
The fight continues with the hero missions in which the Team of Overwatch is in the case of contracts around the world to its limits. In this mode, high replay value, players can advance their favorite heroes levels and powerful customization options to unlock, the increase in the Co-op mode your skills. For example, Reinhardt’s fire blast opponents can put near fire or tracers with their pulse bomb devastating chain reactions and so against seemingly powerful opponents. These Features are not exclusively to be in the PVE area available, in order not to endanger the Balancing in PVP and Competitive area!

The first major Features from Overwatch 2:
- The Story mode is finally here. Players take on well-known heroes to save the world again
- Hero missions allow the Leveling of heroes, and the individualization by a completely new talent system
- New maps, new heroes, and a completely new card type, “shear”, to promote with the aim of a delivery using a robot (may push good things) on the opposing side.
- The Overwatch Engine is brought to a new Level – the entire world, and your hero will get a new, modern Look!
Overwatch 2 also highlights Blizzard’s promise, the OverwatchCommunity to support. Overwatch-player PvP multiplayer modes, side-by-side with players from Overwatch 2 fight can. In addition, get Overwatch-players will also have access to the heroes and maps of Overwatch 2, so that the PvP experience of the Community even in the Era of Overwatch 2 dynamic remains.
More details are on the official page of Overwatch 2 to find.
So far, I am with the Blizzcon 2019 really completely satisfied. Compared to last year, have found the developers and presenters finally your (sometimes dry) Humor, and nonchalance again. Again and again they made themselves fun of how much of the content this time, for the first time, truly, prior to Blizzcon itself leaked has been, and what possible errors you have in the past, in spite of good will, made had. Especially in the case of the Panel of World of Warcraft has been for a long time on it, Feedback from the players through forums and Co received. It looks as if they wanted to return here, finally, back to the roots of the RPG genre – and I think this is great!
I am very curious to see what the second day – and what will land from the previous Features, then at the end in the final game. The first day of Blizzcon has many of the Highlights promised. What is striking is the permanent absence of correct Release of data was, however. Not a Single one of the great new flag ships – whether Overwatch 2, Diablo IV or the new World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – have a real Release date. Only in the case of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands was the Release of the latest 31. December 2020 – but even that, unfortunately, is more vague than descriptive. I very much hope that the developers here even more in the cards. This has not dampened the Hype, but a little – know but when is the coveted game finally in the hands hold.