Asterix Vienna redt table! “It Brojeggd”

“Mia, it schreim Fuffzgajoa vuan Dschiesas. De Röma hom se gaunz Gallien Eignaad. Gaunz Gallien? Schmeggs! A klaane Uatschofd volla unbeigsoma Schduaschedln wüü se of the so-ned gfoen lossn and gibd which Röman kaan Dog laung a Ruah!“ Before those words oddly familiar? Exactly! This is the famous introduction of each adventure, which Asterix and his enormous friend Obelix, to experience together – to Vienna! In the fifth and latest volume of the Asterix red Vienna! Series are not only among the Romans, the eyes moist. The tears of the reader are due to cramps fortunately the variety of Salmon and not the powerful arguments of the two comic book heroes!

Caesar, the great Emperor of the Roman Empire, the Fax thick! Triumphantly, he moved through Gaul, and, under a village threw one after the other. For glory, glory of the Roman Empire, but, above all, his own Ego’s sake! It might not be so good, the victory is so complete, there would be a small Nest out of the magic potion enhanced cross-heads, which out of principle – and seemingly naughty pleasure – again and again between Caesar and his so beloved of cuddles for his Ego provides. To convince countless Attempts, the stubborn Gallic bunch of the beauty of Roman Oppression beaten already failed. Battle, Cunning, and Persuasion are not a miracle cure against superhuman strength. “Then we try it with urban planning!”, the self thinks itself called sole ruler. The Gallic village does not want to be part of its impressive cities, then it is just a suburb this! Then, the sneaky egomaniac sends out his minions to make the forests around the village of platt, and to build on a monumental testimony to Roman architecture – and the villagers to withdraw their largest source of food. As Asterix and Obelix get from the project “Großwoedsiedlung” the Wind, the two generous back pipe under the Roman occupiers deal. And let’s be honest: If the Romans so stupid Obelix to his beloved wild pigs away to make the sheet have helmets and nothing else deserves!


Vienna uttered, taken out the necessary uttered!

Asterix Vienna redt table! “It Brojeggd” is a new translation of the 17th century. Asterix band The satellite town by the Viennese artist Ernst Molden. A total of 48 pages tells us of the fifth Asterix redt Vienna! his story.The Story is compared to the Original unchanged, but by the “Vienna award” a completely new character. So there is the one or the other side blow to modern pop culture and the dialogue through the dialect of a “Mundl” dynamics, which is why I didn’t laugh, rarely tears. Since it does not hurt that I had to read some lines two or three Times, because I couldn’t understand due to the spelling, the meaning immediately.

The drawings of the unfortunately recently deceased, Albert Uderzo are, of course, all doubt, and the story delivers what it is from a Comic of the brand, Asterix expected.


Üba the übasetzt

In the case of the Translator of the original in the Viennese dialect, it is the Viennese artist Ernst Molder. This was born in 1967, in a Viennese family of artists. Already in 2018 could he Kööch uman Asterix first experience as a Comic book writer to collect. Apart from this he is working as a musician.

Manfred Werner – Tsui, Nestroy 2014 04 Ernst Molden, CC BY-SA 3.0


For three years I would like to in build a Comic book corner. Now I have with Asterix redt Vienna “It is Brojeggt” a first step in this direction was done! This Band is a true pleasure for Fans of the small but smart Gaul and a good Marathon Training for the abdominal muscles. The Translation of the text is to the Vienna succeeded, gives the story a new charm and enriched with new ideas and gibes – *cough*Helene Fischer*cough*. I had a great time and couldn’t resist many a loud Laugh. If you feel like smart entertainment, and well-known and charming characters as well as brutally funny dialogues Vienna style, you should take a look at it. Especially in times like today, every Laugh is worth Gold!

Asterix Vienna Dialect Table V: It Brojeggd
Language: English

Hardcover: 48 Pages
Publisher: Egmont Comic Collection;
Release: 5. March 2020 (1. Edition)
Link: Official Website

The adventures of Asterix & co. appear in the German-speaking countries at the Egmont Comic Collection.