Anno History Collection in the Test
Hi, I’m Tom and I’m Annoholiker. Started my “Anno addiction” in 1998, as a hitherto unknown Austrian development Studio has released a small but fine game, in which I discover during the epoch of the early modern period, unexplored island worlds and was allowed to colonize. More than 20 years later, I am thanks to the regular supply by the Dealer of my confidence (better known as Ubisoft), still not disengaged and with the Anno History Collection will probably not change.
But what is it exactly that now contains the collection that you want to satisfy my Desire for more complex build-up strategy? The urban-classic Anno 1602, Anno 1503, Anno 1701 and Anno 1404, including all its extensions – the two Sci-Fi offshoot of Anno 2070 and Anno 2205 missing but (first of all, would speak of the “History” in the name). Each of the games also contains all of the Updates and provides numerous improvements, including higher screen resolutions than in the Original. But a Remaster is the Anno History Collection is not, because the Revisions, as well as additional content are very manageable. The actual technical basic structure or the mechanics of building simulations has changed fundamentally-and so they are looking for changes in the Gameplay or new game enhancements in vain. Not even the AI has been revise and the Interface remains in comparison to the Original, basically unchanged.
This brings the first Problem, because the resolution is all the title up to 4K increase, including adaptation to Widescreen formats, but in the case of the two older titles, the menu, and each of the Buttons is very a very small person. To fix this, you can zoom in but now the User Interface manually in stages up to a factor of 2.9. Improvements such as additional Cursor versions, the borderless window mode or the multi-screen support are also new Features for all games of the Anno History Collection. Similarly, all titles now feature a Multiplayer mode that is online only via Uplay to play. Really cool, the compatibility is be transferred to old Savegames, because that’s the way old single-player game saves to the new versions. For the sake of Completeness mention the bonus content, but more as a soundtrack and Wallpapers, there is not to be found here.
The early years
Anno 1602: creation of a new world was one of those game at its release no one really on the Radar had. There were no large Pre-reporting in the print media and also the first score to the Release were rather average (80% in the Power Play 5/98 – you Philistines!!!). It was one of those titles that increased their level of awareness, mainly by word-of-mouth. If you wanted to join in the conversation at the table with like-minded people, you have to play it. Responsible for this unusual mix of design and strategy game-the only ten-man Team, the Austrian developer Max Design. The basic game principle was defined very clearly: the aim is to discover an island world, to colonize them, to develop and operate with other Islands to trade. In addition, it is important to satisfy the needs of its own population, as a means of new production chains to unlock. The former often employees compared with the settlers game series was lame but enormous, because Anno had a similar Play set, but clearly the focus on the economic relationships and complex business cycles. Anno 1602: creation of a new world , counted in 2002, with two million copies sold, the best-selling game in the German-speaking countries was developed and laid the Foundation to a very successful series.
A Test to the game or the expansion set “New Islands, New adventures” you will, of course, will not find, because with the year of publication in 1998, it is even a bit older than our magazine. I may, however, write about it, my conclusion would be, of course, been very enthusiastic. Today, I have to say something sobering about the Anno History Collection containing the Version of the judgments, because, according to current standards is not really a lot of time. However, because the basic game principle, nothing has changed, call the developer, therefore, the Revisions to “Quality-of-Life”improvements. So now, the left mouse Button for actions used, and the mouse wheel serves for zooming. Because of the short Render Videos, for example, have not been revised when it has discovered a new raw material deposits, and, therefore, only in an extremely low resolution, they can be played back, optionally, also in the Minimap window. Retro-Fans will be able to Anno 1602: creation of a new world still in favor, all others should prefer one of the other title of the collection to try out.
Back in the past
In Anno 1503 a, in comparison to the predecessors, up to 7 times greater island of the world by ship to be explored. The Islands are located in different climate zones, which of course also influence on the extraction of raw materials and mounting options. In contrast to Anno 1602 is the cultural diversity is now a lot bigger. In the North dwell the Eskimos in their igloos, the South-populate Africans, Indians and Venetians are up to mischief on the island of the world, as well as the already from the first part of the well-known pirates. Of course, each culture has its own for its characteristic buildings and residents. But not every foreign national is minded to the players friendly. Some see the Intrusion into their territory as an act of war and want to drive you out by all means again. So also, the rather simple combat system of the predecessor has been revised completely. A total of eleven different types of weapons, from a simple pikeman to the mounted musketeer in Anno 1503 commanded to be. In order to move war machines and to be able to use, they must be of operator teams taken. Without a crew, such a war can be assumed device not maneuvered, and even hostile parties. Through fights and battles soldiers gain experience for the your attack skills improve and you resistance will make more competitive in the defense. Up to three of these experience points can be received by each individual soldier. In naval battles of the war vessels. These are built in shipyards and can, depending on the size of the ship with cannons equipped. Another new feature in the combat system, positioning is the ability of military units in certain formations, the different effects on movement, attack and defence behaviour. In addition to the numerous variants of the attack options, their settlement walls can also, of course, in the defense of the city and fortifications against enemy attacks to be protected.In the campaign, you can expect a total of twelve missions, in which you save in addition to the usual Settling – in and commercial contracts, including princesses, sea battles and enemy settlements should take. You have the campaign successfully completed ten scenarios waiting for you to be played. This is for you still not enough, the endless stay games, by the Settle, Trade, and Fight without an order, the correct Anno-Feeling.
My conclusion in 2002 was: “The most addictive game principle of its predecessor, also works despite the lack of innovative and fresh ideas in the new edition again right away and enthralls fans of the Genre for weeks in front of the Monitor. Players will have to fight to play with less experience in WiSims and Structure at the Beginning probably has to do with your frustration than against the computer opponent, because due to the enormous complexity and the extremely high degree of difficulty for newcomers and inexperienced players will be overwhelmed clearly. In addition, the numerous technical problems that can occur on some systems complicate the game considerably and have in part also a negative impact on the flow of the game. But even if playful innovations in Anno 1503 are scarce and the game is not able to meet the high expectations, so it is still probably one of the best trading simulations.“ In addition to the numerous technical Bugs and the lack of a multiplayer mode was especially one of my biggest points of criticism. You could see the final product very clearly, that had taken the developers of Max Design with the successor of something and a short time later, the game industry returned even the back.
In my test report, I was still in good hope that the multi-player mode, as promised, with one of the already announced Updates are not submitted, but what happens. At least until now, because one of the most striking innovations of the Anno History Collection of the official Multiplayer Part of Anno 1503, also runs via Uplay, including a manageable five more game scenarios. This includes a couple of bug fixes and improvements in terms of Usability yet to come. But overall, too little and the unloved black sheep of the series, the second part still.
The beginning of the 18th century. Century
Anno 1701 was not only the first game of the series in full 3D radiated, but also the first Anno developer Related Design, which acts today as a Ubisoft Mainz. Among the game’s innovations, such as the Central market square, with its visual Feedback shows the satisfaction of the population, as well as the possibility of the control for each population level separately. Another new Feature is the Lodge of the activity of spying on his teammates and could sabotage was. So you could send, for example, thieves, saboteurs or revolutionaries on enemy Islands, to disrupt the opponent’s development. The missing campaign has just submitted a year later, with the Add-On “The curse of the dragon”. In an Asian-inspired Setting, we have the exciting story about a legendary artifact with the name of the eye of the dragon told. My conclusion at the time was: “alcohol, nicotine and drugs make known to be addictive – Anno 1701 should also be on this list are! After I was healed due to the rather weak predecessor, finally, I became already after a few hours of playing with the latest part of a professing ANNOholiker. Old virtues, new gorgeous look – the tie! Just like the early days of the series.“
Anno 1701 is a surprisingly well-aged, especially Fans of Anno 1800, should this game not to be missed, because some of the Gameplay elements of the current series part are already included and with the KI-character of Hendrik Jorgensen is the family dynasty introduced for the first time. The more game mode that is used when you Release the multiplayer service Gamespy, which was set at the end of may 2014. Since you could no longer play online, but with the Anno History Collection now, of course, again changes. Other improvements include here also the majority of the bug fixes and Revisions of the Interface.
Back to the middle ages
In Anno 1404 you as a player take on the role of a Navigator in the epoch of the late middle ages. A major innovation is that you have to have with the colonization of the Occident and of the Orient are two Nations, each with its own buildings and needs a hand. As certain raw materials and Goods, which require the Europeans, can only be in the Orient made, creates a certain dependency to each other. Although the focus is on the endless game is, has Anno 1404 on a very extensive campaign. This is a clerical intrigue to the overthrow of the Emperor, the player takes the role of a not further designated main character, works in the Crusader armies of the nobles, Richard Northburgh his service takes on. The expansion Anno 1404: Venice added to the game’s 15 single-player scenarios and a new character, the Venetian Giacomo Garibaldi added. In addition, now agents can infiltrate now foreign cities, as well as sabotage and by the city Council even entire settlements can be bought out. The most important innovation was the multi-player mode that supports games with up to eight players via Internet or local network.
Anno 1404 is so far the only game that I’m not for was allowed to test, but I can’t add to my former colleague, a lot, which ruled at the time: “So-building strategy for fun not as long. Especially the balancing act between accessibility and complexity is really well done and definitely at the expense of Core gamers. Also, the Orient and the numerous links between the two cultures, and the complexity continue to rise. Anno 1404 is the best Anno of all time.“ Also at that time assigned Bullet Award was more than deserved. The innovations in the History Collection are restricted to a few technology Upgrades to improve Performance and to prevent falls from heights.
In my Test to Anne 1800 wrestled, I still, whether or not the latest offshoot of my series favorite Anno 1404 from the throne would come across, but after no longer counted in-game hours for me there are no longer any doubt that the era of the industrial Revolution, playful but a little more give, as the middle ages scenario and, thus, my preferences shifted significantly in. But I’m sticking to it: the Gameplay and the long-term Motivation are both games eye-to-eye, why Anno 1404 is certainly the centerpiece of the History Collection. For the first series-production part, and his successor, one needs, however, a nostalgia-glasses with very thick, and perhaps rose-colored, glasses, because both playful, as well as in terms of control are not aged both titles very well. Who, as yet, no Anno has played, but without hesitation, because, at least in Anno 1404 and 1701 to be among the best Games in the Genre of strategy. If you absolutely need to have the whole collection or individual titles is limited, that everyone should decide for themselves (all parts are also sold separately). I as an old Annoholiker but I am glad that I also have the Anno 1602 on my current computer gaming can – even if the feel of the old days will surely not come back.
What Anno History Collection is? Four acclaimed city-building classic, and its extensions, fully optimized for modern operating systems.Platforms: PC
Tested: Version 1.1 on a PC with Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Developer / Publisher: Blue Byte / Ubisoft
Release: 25. June 2020
Link: Official Website