About Love, Hate and The Other Ones 2 in the Test
Red buttons, not presses. The is a unwritten law, not only in the world of video games. Nevertheless, it is exactly like this in the world of About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2 happened, and of course brings a great wave of unhappiness with it. It means, therefore, that the grey cells to blow the whistle and start an adventure in the lofty heights and dark caves. In this case, nothing in the world is stronger than the love or the hate. Because it is exactly these two emotions, I made me in my adventure to Use!
What pressing is not happening… OH, A RED BUTTON!
The logic geniuses in the video game world are back in demand! With About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2 was released on 08. In may 2020, on Steam, a new, colorful Puzzle-Adventure game for home PCs. Currently only available on Steam, the successor to the eponymous first part, again a good Portion of brain power of the players. The first part is About Love, Hate and the Other Ones appeared in 2014, also first only on Steam, was due to the success, but soon also to many other platforms, published inter alia as a mobile phone Game! So it was only a matter of time, until the Puzzle-adventure should get a successor.
The story of the sequel is About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2 is easy to explain. The world in which we move forward in the game, is populated by numerous small males – the so-called “Other Ones”. These include LOVE and HATE, the protagonists of the first part. In the new adventure you are beginning a joint walk and think of nothing Evil. But suddenly a red button from sky – falls right in front of the feet of it small son. Of course, the Inevitable happens: the Little one pushes the mysterious button and disappears immediately in the Nothing. LOVE and HATE do not hesitate for a long time and make the search of the small offender.

Who could resist to land on the button!
“I love you, I hate you” – simple but effective
The missing son again to the world of red buttons to comb through. In the shoes of LOVE and HATE we experience in this way, in about 70 Level, a puzzle-adventure of a special kind. is The principle of the game is incredibly simple, but effective! In order to reach in each Level the sought-after red button to make the respective emotions of the protagonists to Use. In the Levels I was basically alone on the road, but LOVE and HATE to meet some of the other “Other Ones” which are on the search indirectly help.
Because LOVE by Sending hearts to other colleagues and so chasms to overcome or obstacles out of the way. HATE pushes, in turn, little flashes away from you, and thus the enemy or ally in its path. Always it is to create with these funds, a certain Balance between love and hate, attraction and repulsion – because the two only work in the unbeatable Team!
What to me the level of difficulty of each Level was like. The first Tutorial Level were tricky and put the player directly on the sample. Many Level of About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2 are in 3D are kept and definitely require in the truest sense of the word, the ability to look around and also to the corner to think! The graphics knew in the entire game to really convince. The levels were built up in the whole atmosphere is always very appealing and offered a very great and varied Mix of 2D, 2.5 D, or 3D challenges. You can convince you also in the following gallery!

Colorful levels of fun – but some of the problems
The Sound, however, was rather skinny and was on duration quite strenuous. Music was, unfortunately, very little available, and as a special Sound effect were recorded with the same two phrases of the characters: “I hate you” or “I love you”, depending on whether you can pull enemies to himself or repel. The Sound effect was played every Time, even if you shot directly twenty the heart in a row. Then it was time to stop twenty Times: I LOVE YOU! Well. You have to like. For me it was tiring!
Also the control could not convince. It is completely simple: with the left mouse button, the whole game can be controlled. Far too often, the hitboxes were not transparent and sometimes much too big. Even if the levels were varied, they were usually still quite small, as also shown in the gallery can be seen. Very often, I wanted to move, for example, LOVE, have but then HATE clicked because he was standing too close to the point where I wanted to navigate LOVE back. Such problems often occurred and resulted in frustration on my side.
I knew the world of About Love, Hate and the Other Ones before the Test, not because I use the first derivatives do not had played. Accordingly, I was really impartial to the adventure and was really positively surprised! The Level was much trickier than expected and offered a lot of variety. I had very auszubeißen a lot of fun for me here again right in the teeth and often unusual ways as a solution. So offers About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2 is definitely a nice job for the evening celebration.
The control quite a lot of Frustration and, specifically, the eternal “I love you, I hate you” prepared me, however, the sound effects for me was after the first hour, already powerful on the mind. I was also disappointed that there is no Co-Op mode. If you control already two characters at once, this would have been actually the perfect pad for it. That would have very much Potential that was not used in my eyes, unfortunately.
What About Love, Hate and the Other Ones 2? A colorful Puzzle Adventure with a unique love/hate Mechanics.Platforms: PC
Tested on: PC, Intel Core i7-2600K, 16GB RAM, NVIDIA GTX 1080
Developer / Publisher: Black Pants Studio
Release: 08. May 2020
Link: Official Website